Table of Contents
Our next PBL unit will be uncovering the Vietnam War and the different perspectives and attitudes that were prevalent during that era. We look forward to introducing more of this project as we get into it in the coming weeks. Check back often to see the students' progress.
Entry Document
My name is Eugene Gigli and I am the President of Chapter 295 of the Vietnam Veterans of America. We are an organization devoted to conducting and publishing research, on a non-partisan basis, pertaining to the relationship between Vietnam-era veterans and the American society, the Vietnam War experience, the role of the United States in securing peaceful co-existence for the world community, and other matters which affect the social, economic, educational, or physical welfare of the Vietnam-era veteran or others.
Although our members are passionate about the Vietnam War, our organization is comprised entirely of Vietnam-era veterans, many of whom are unfamiliar with the marvels of modern technology. That is where you come in.
We, the Sammy L. Davis Chapter of the VVA, are looking for your help to create a Vietnam War Wiki. Specifically, your class will work to research multiple perspectives on the Vietnam War and to answer the question, “What is an ending to the Vietnam War that would satisfy most parties?” We believe that the consideration of multiple perspectives is crucial to securing the peaceful co-existence our organization seeks.
The Wikis you create will be linked from our Chapter’s website as a testimony to the importance of multiple perspectives and as a resource for students like yourself to gain a better understanding of the complexities of the War.
Thank you in advance for your assistance. We are forever in your debt.
Eugene Gigli
VVA Chapter #295
Project Description/Tasks
Vietnam Project
Roles: You will be divided into groups. In your groups you will have one of several roles. You must appoint 1)a group leader, 2)A technology expert, 3) an advertiser, and 4) a workman. Your jobs will be as follows:
- Group Leader- You are responsible for the end product. I will speak only to you. It is your responsibility to keep and store all materials. Good to Perfect attendance is preferred. You need to have contact information for everyone from your group.
- Technology Expert- You will design and assemble the Wiki that will be explained later. You should be someone who has some experience with technology.
- Advertiser-You will work closely with the technology expert to ensure maximum effectiveness of your product. You should be someone good at persuasion.
- Workman-If you feel like you are a “jack of all trades,” this is the job for you. You will help your group in any way possible. You sole job is to make the job of the other three easier. You can either make or break the effectiveness of your group.
Perspectives and Assignment: You will be assigned one of the following roles.
- Member of the Viet Cong- You will design a persuasive product that is aimed at the citizens of the United States. your job is to convince them that this is the wrong war fought for the wrong reasons. Convince them that you should beunited as one counry. Remember to look at how long you have been fighting for your independence.
- Member of Lyndon Johnson's Cabinet- You will create a product that advertises the thoughts of the Johnson Administration on the War. Remember that LBJ had a much bigger agenda and th war seemed to get in the way.
- Hawk- You must design a product that convinces the American people that fighting in Vietnam is essential to the survival of the American way of life.
- Dove- You must design a product that convinces the American population that htis is a useless war fought for a variety of reasons none of which have anything to do with Communism.
- Non-Communist South Vietnamese- You will design a product that will attempt to convince the American people that they are fighting for your freedom and must continue to fight. Remember to include possible consequences of an American withdrawal.
- Ho Chi Minh- Your job is to convince the American people that they are fighting a losing battle. You must make the case for independence and a unified Vietnam.
- Veteran- You have been to the war and returned. . . What is your opinion (you can go either way, in support or in opposition to the war)
- Family Member of a Soldier Lost in Action- You must choose a pro-war or anti-war stance. See Mr. Clodfelter before you begin.
Product: You will create a Wiki detailing the perspective of your chosen role. Your Wiki will then be used by your classmates to help them understand the various perspectives on the Vietnam War. Your Individual and Group Milestones are as follows:
- Perspective Research Worksheet (Individual)
- Position Summary (Individual)
- Position Summary (Group)
- Email to Authentic Audience – Draft
- Email to Authentic Audience—Finalized and Sent
- Op-Ed (Individual)
- Completed WIKI (More on the specifics soon)
MINIMUM Required Components of the Finished WIKI
- Table of Contents
- Links to outside sources
- Highlighted links to names, dates, and places contained within your written text
- 1 map, chart, or graph
- One song that illustrates your Point of View
- One poem or other propaganda piece that illustrates your Point of View
- 5 pictures
- Op-Ed from each group member
Vietnam Project.docx
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April 2010
Vietnam Project calendar
Vietnam Veterans of America
Project Launch + Group Assignments
Perspective Research Worksheet (Individual)
Position Summary (Individual)
Guest Speaker
Position Summary (Group)
Draft Email to Authentic Audience
Email to Authentic Audience—Final
Op-Ed (Individual)
Work on Wikis
Work on Wikis
Completed Wikis
Unit Reflection + Group Evaluations
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Class Wikis
Period 1
Period 2
Period 3
Period 4
Period 7
Period 10
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